2022 Tournament Season

Event Rounds Location Web link notes
8/5 Assheton Bowmen Annual Novice Shoot Nationals Assheton Bowmen, Manchester https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/assheton-bowmen-annual-novice-shoot-tickets-257022229407 Novices (<2 data-preserve-html-node="true" years and under 1st class)
21/5 – 22/5 Eccles Double 720 weekend WA70/60/50m Eccles AC https://ecclesarcheryclub.uk/en/tourament Compound / barebow Sat, everyone else Sun
12/6 Lancs AA open WA1440 Assheton Bowmen, Manchester http://www.lancashire-archery.org.uk/22_docs/LAA_WRS_WA1440_2022.pdf
19/6 Long Mynd Archers Heitage shoot Nationals Church Stretton www.longmyndarchers.co.uk Quite a trek but non-record status tournaments are few and far between at the moment
3/7 Chester WA1440 star WA1440 Chester www.ccbarchery.co.uk
17/7 New Century Bowmen annual open York/Hereford, Bristols Macclesfield http://www.newcenturybowmen.org.uk/NCB_Files/Docs/New%20Century%20Bowmen%20Open%20Entry%20Form%202022.pdf
6/8 NCAS/Cheshire WA star WA1440 Wirral http://cheshirearcheryassoc.org/champs%20-%20cheshireweekend.htm Day 1 of the ‘Cheshire Weekend’
7/8 Cheshire Championships York / Hereford / Nationals Wirral http://cheshirearcheryassoc.org/champs%20-%20cheshireweekend.htm Day 2 of the ‘Cheshire Weekend’
4/9 CAA Junior Championships Metrics 1 – V Chester http://cheshirearcheryassoc.org/champs%20-%20junioroutdoors.htm
18/9 New Century Bowmen Nationals Macclesfield http://www.newcenturybowmen.org.uk/NCB_Files/Docs/New%20Century%20Novice%20Shoot%20Entry%20Form%202022.pdf Novices (<2 data-preserve-html-node="true" years and under 1st class)